Peaces of me...

New Years was so bloody cold, burrrr. I know it was a Curling Rink but I doubt they had any heating there. They had a huge fireplace but it want’ in use. I had a long coat on that I had bought earlier today, I must have been psychic since I needed it wrapped around me all night. Ride Command centre was camped outside the rink, trapping the traffic since it is hard to spot under the bridge. They gave us all Swaks... mine is tied like a choker around my neck, I'll need scissors to cut it off.
Nadia Stacy and their boyfriends begged off their party plans and drank at home. April and Monica went to a neighbourhood party a few houses down.

Brent borrowed my van to go to a party in Peterborough. He was only one of 5 people who bothered to show up for the party.

Annie at 1/01/2006 02:46:00 p.m.


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